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Form Filler: Create & Sign PDF 3.3.1790
airSlate, Inc.
Edit, sign, and manage your digital forms on the go
Form 1099 MISC for IRS: Income Tax Return eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
One of the most widespread samples for reporting income is the 1099MISC form pdf - used to provide details about any miscellaneousincome. This online form filler helps you complete the documentquickly and easily. Equipped with a simple, user-friendly interfaceand effective set of tools, this tax management app can help anyonecomplete the template faster than ever before - even while beingon-the-go. The application contains various features such as: ✓Adding textual data anywhere in the text; You can type in theinformation inside any of the fillable fields just by clicking onthe highlighted area, and the on-screen keyboard will appear. Onemore way to add information is by using the Text option that letsyou type anywhere on the document. ✓ Another convenient feature isthe navigation between form fields. You can just click on thefields you want or use arrows to move to the left or right cell. ✓To select one of the several answer options, you can use tools thatlet you add a cross sign, checkmark or circle. The default optionworks if you click on the corresponding cell. To add another typeof tool, select the one you want at the toolbar. ✓ To move betweendifferent parts of the sample, you can use the Pages option. ✓ Youhave the ability to insert any numeric information and the currentdate. This can be done either automatically or manually. ✓ Create alegally binding certification by drawing your signature on thetouchscreen. Click on the initials field and the creator will open.Draw your signature and apply changes. The system will fit them inthe field automatically. With our tax management app, you caneasily report various types of compensation you get. 1099 MISC pdfcovers the following earnings and tax payments: ✓ Numerous rentsand royalties, as well as any other income that doesn't match anycriteria. ✓ Fishing boat proceeds and healthcare payments are alsoincluded in the form. ✓ Nonemployee compensation and interest ordividends substitute payments. ✓ Direct sales on sums that exceedfive thousand dollars. ✓ Income and deferrals on section 401A. ✓Golden parachute payments and gross proceeds. ✓ Finally, the statetax withholdings and earnings are provided. Process 1099 MISC formin our secure environment and send it to any email address rightfrom the application. Your form will then be protected and quicklytransmitted.
W-2 PDF Form for IRS: Sign Income Tax eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Ever since the IRS adopted the process of digitally processingdocuments, the best way to file your W-2 is to now do so digitally.And it’s for this reason that we’ve developed an application with amulti-functional toolkit that can provide anyone with an easy andfast way to fill out a W-2 in the form of a PDF. This software isespecially convenient for those who want to manage their taxesright from their tablet or smartphone without having to commit toany long-term registrations on any websites or buy any expensivesoftware. All you need to do is to install the app and open theneeded form of the sample to be filled out. Individuals who areconstantly working on the go and don’t necessarily have the time tofile this form to the IRS on a laptop or desktop will especiallyappreciate the functions provided by the app. Additionally, alldata is processed with the latest security features available - soyou never have to worry about your information being lost orcompromised. Let’s take a closer look at the best features thissoftware has to offer: ✓ The possibility to type text anywhere onthe form (any textual or numeric information); ✓ The opportunityfor adding graphics, images, lines, check marks etc; ✓ Automaticrecognition and filling out of the current date; ✓ Navigationbetween fillable fields with the arrows located on the top of thescreen; ✓ Certifying the document with a legally bindinge-signature by drawing it on your touchscreen with your finger; ✓Sending the sample to any individual or organization by e-mail -right from the application. The document covers not only employer’sand employee’s personal, contact details and tax identification,but also itemized payment information. All wages, tips,withholdings, and payments, made during the tax year can be easilyrecorded. Keep in mind that the employer will need to providedependent care benefits, as well as information about thenon-qualified plans. Additionally, it is necessary to provideincome tax, wages, and tips paid by the employer to the local andstate tax authorities. And don’t worry if you’ve made any mistakeson the form - you can easily correct them any time.
Form DS 11: Sign Digital Passport eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Meet a new application for digital workflow management: Form DS-11.This document is used to apply for a new passport. PDFfillerdeveloped this program specifically to allow you to file yourpassport form on-the-go by downloading the app onto your smartphoneor tablet. The application basically consists of this one form soyou can file it quickly and easily. When you launch the app, therewill be two options for you to choose from: first to select thecorrect version of the blank DS-11, and the second - to startfilling it out immediately. If you would like to repeat thisprocess with other forms, you can tap on Find More Forms. This willtake you to PDFfiller’s website so you can search for more forms inthe online library. When you’ve reached the document, theapplication will first ask you to set the date. The very top fieldin the fillable form is for adding the date. You can add the dateimmediately or skip this step and add it later. The program guidesyou throughout the whole process of filling out the document bygiving you hints and suggestions on how to complete each field.Once a field is selected, it will turn from orange to white with agreen frame and will be marked with a blue arrow. Use the arrows inthe top left corner of the panel to move between fields. You canalso simply tap on the field that you want to fill out. To completethe passport form you have to provide the following information: ✓The type of identification document you are applying for; ✓Personal data such as your full name, date, and place of birth,Social Security Number etc; ✓ Contact details and home address; ✓In the section with the white background, attach your photo andinclude information needed for your new passport; ✓ Informationabout your parents; ✓ Marriage information and permanent address; ✓Emergency contacts; ✓ Indicate if you have ever applied for a USpassport book or card. If yes, include that information in thisdocument. The application then enables you to add a legally bindinge-signature. After the file is completed correctly, you can signit. To do so, just tap on the icon with an e-pen and draw yoursignature. If the applicant is a minor, both parents have to signthe PDF form DS-11. After that, you can e-file the form to yournearest regional agency or passport acceptance facility.
Form CMS 1500: Sign Digital Health eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Now you have the opportunity to fill out your CMS 1500 form sampleright from your smartphone! Our application is designed to helpanyone to easily fill out the sample - even while on the go. And,there is no need to worry about the security of your personalmedical information since the application is equipped with thelatest security and data encryption technology. The solutionincludes numerous features made to speed up and simplify theprocess of filling out the form: ✓ Type any text in the document(that can be easily edited); ✓ Move from one fillable field toanother with the top-screen arrows; ✓ Add symbols like checkmarks,lines, images, arrows etc.; ✓ Add the current date to the form(manually or automatically); ✓ Certify the form with a legallybinding e-signature on the screen of your smartphone or tablet; ✓Share the completed document with anyone by by email. This documentis commonly used to make a bill for medical services. It containsmedical care plan details and insurance information with regards tothe refund for any medical services provided either by an insurancepolicy or some other form of healthcare compensation. The templateis adaptable to any type of case and not every item/line isobligatory to answer. With that said, some of the form’s cells needto be filled out: like your name, SFHP number, birth date, andpostal address. It document also contains a space to provideinformation on one or more healthcare plans that the patient has.The document can be completed quickly and easily on any device.Just install it and follow tips given below: ✓ Open the documentand give it a quick look through. Make sure that all theinformation you need is close at hand. ✓ The form contains fillablefields and checkboxes. To put a cross sign at the needed area,click on the box in front of the choice you want to select. If youhave chosen the wrong option, you can easily correct it by clickingon the box one more time. ✓ The text insert option automaticallyopens once you click on the needed area. If you want to clear allof the text you have typed, use the brush tool, located at theupper part of the screen. ✓ You can then open the signature fieldby clicking on it. Once you select this option, the signaturechoices will open. You will then draw a signature with your fingeror stylus and click on the “Save and Use” option. Yourcertification will be automatically fit to the signature field. ✓Finally, you can print the form or send it by email right from theapplication.
Form DS 82: Sign Digital Passport eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Complete your IRS Form DS-82 with the help of this document filingapp by PDFfiller. This app contains the Passport RenewalApplication document that you can fill out and sign anytime andanyplace. You can download and open it from your mobile devicewhenever you need to. By clicking Fill Now, the app will transferyou directly to the first page. The passport form consists of sixpages, three of which are fillable. Carefully read the first pageto check if you are eligible to complete this blank DS-82. If atleast one of your answers to the questions is No, then you're noteligible to complete this document. If all of your answers are Yes,tap on the respective checkboxes (otherwise you won’t be able toproceed). If a fillable field in this section is marked with a redasterisk, it means you're required to fill it out. Also, put a dateon the top of the first page in the fillable date field. The nextthree pages represent legal information and details about thefillable DS-82. After that, you pass on to the form itself. Here,you have to enter the following data into the fillable fields: ✓The type of passport you are applying for; ✓ Your personal datasuch as name, date of birth, SNN and contacts information; ✓ Fullmailing address with ZIP code; ✓ Any other names you've had, ifany; ✓ Your photo; ✓ Information from your most recent passportbook or passport card; ✓ Indicate which data has changed, if any; ✓Put your signature and add the date. The next part of the PDF formDS-82 is for the issuing office where the following personalinformation should be included: ✓ Marriage details; ✓ Appearancedescription; ✓ Occupation; ✓ Permanent address; ✓ Plans for travel.Before submitting your passport form, be sure to double check allthe information that you've provided in order to make sure that youdidn’t miss anything. For your convenience, the application willguide you through each field with an easily-noticeable blue arrow.You can also tap on the left and right arrows on the top of thescreen. This will either move you a step back or forward. To makesure that you’ve completed everything, take advantage of the Wizardtool. It provides a comprehensive to-do list of all the fields inthe file and indicates what specific kind of information should beentered in. If you simply tap on the list item, the Wizard willtake you to that particular field.
W-4 PDF tax Form for IRS 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
File, fill and sign PDF W-4 fillable form efficiently from yourAndroid device
W-9 PDF Form for IRS: Sign Income Tax Return eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Everybody knows that the W-9 form is one of the most frequentlyused templates because filing a tax report correctly is impossiblewithout the information it contains. It’s necessary for bothindependent contractors and self-employed individuals, (as they arenot officially employed) to provide personal and taxpayerinformation in this document and send it to the IRS. You don't needto worry about filing this sample to the person you provide yourservices to as an independent contractor because you have one ofthe best tax management apps at your disposal. Using the W-9 formfiller, you can complete the document anywhere, even on-the-go. Thetax filling app can easily be installed on your smartphone and usedfor completing the current W-9 variant. Its interface is very easyto use and understand. The income tax return filling app hasnumerous features, including: ✓ The ability to insert text anywherein the template. It’s done by clicking on the highlighted fillablefields or by adding your own cells with the Text option. ✓ Simplenavigation between cells by using arrows or by manually clicking onthe needed field. ✓ Adding graphic signs, images, lines, checkmarks etc. ✓ The automatic inserting of the current date (ormanually add the needed date). ✓ Digital certification. You cansign the sample with a digital legally-binding signature. Create itby drawing your initials with your finger, apply any changes andthe system will automatically fit it in the corresponding field(you may certify the document using a default cell or add yourown). ✓ A high data protection level. Edit the template in a secureenvironment and with the latest data encryption methods. You canshare the completed W-9 form right from the application. Justselect one of the e-mail addresses from your contact list and sendthe sample. For security reasons, always ask why a person ororganization requests the template. If it’s a familiar individualor company, then you should provide the document since it is an IRSrequirement.
PDF Form 1096 for IRS: Sign In 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
Complete, send and print 1096 forms quickly and easily on yourAndroid device
PDF Form 1040 for IRS: Income
airSlate, Inc.
Fill out and submit 1040 form with your Android device
PDF Form 4506 T for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
IRS Form 4506-T is used to get access to financial records When youwant to get a loan, potential lenders will usually want to knowyour financial situation. That’s why they may ask you to fill out ablank 4506-T. By completing this document, you allow your creditorto get the required records. A common situation is when you wish toget a mortgage. With the help of this form, the person or companyto whom money is owed can verify your income or even gain your taxinformation. This template is also useful when completing a taxreturn for the Internal Revenue Service. You may verify if youdidn’t file a return in a certain year or apply for data from thefollowing forms: 1099, 1098, 5498 or W-2. The “T” is for atranscript. This means that your sample includes a line-by-lineprintout of the data from your past tax returns. Using thisdocument lets you receive tax information from the last threeyears. But if your goal is to access older information, it’s moreadvisable to file IRS Form 4506. Note, that filing this samplecosts $50 and takes up to 75 days for delivery, while a printable4506 T form is absolutely free and it’s most likely you'll get itby mail in no more than 3 weeks. Here are step-by-step instructionson how to correctly complete this digital form: ✓ Include yourindividual taxpayer identification number or employeridentification number and your SSN. ✓ Indicate your current addressand list any previous ones. ✓ Specify the purpose of your request:business or personal. ✓ Choose which type of data you are applyingfor. ✓ Add your spouse’s data for a joint return. ✓ Enter thenumber of the form for the requested transcript. ✓ Indicate theyear or period requested. ✓ Put the current date. ✓ Add yoursignature and your spouse's one if needed. You may apply to the IRSfor a 4506-T form independently or find a tax specialist. With thatsaid, it’s much easier to use your mobile device. With a free andfast tax preparation app you can fill out and send any tax return.The main features include the following: ✓ Type and edit textanywhere you want on the form; ✓ Easily navigate between thefillable fields; ✓ Use editing tools from the toolbar on the top ofthe screen; ✓ Add the date and graphic content includingcheckmarks, watermarks, graphics or lines; ✓ Create a legallybinding digital signature with your fingertip or stylus; ✓ Submitthe completed document or instantly print it from your smartphoneor tablet. Note, that you’re able to choose the way you willreceive the transcript: by mail or electronically.
PDF Form 1099 PATR for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
The 1099 PATR form is a specialized type of 1099, used to reportpayments made by cooperatives that increase more than by tendollars within a year. Those funds can be withheld to one orseveral individuals as dividends. The 1099 PATR form is also usedto report dividends from a bank mortgage for land or backupwithholdings on someone’s behalf. Remember that earnings notreceived from a farm or co-op are not reported with this form. Thissolution is one of the best tax preparation apps created to fillthe forms you need. The application is free and has an easy-to-useinterface. Additionally, it contains a set of useful tools: ✓ TheText Adding and Editing option; This makes the form fillable andthe cells easy to complete by just clicking on them and insertingthe needed data. Also, there is the Text Tool, which allows you toadd extra text anywhere within the document. ✓ Add cross signs,checkmarks, circles, and graphic lines. Your answer can be easilyselected by clicking on the corresponding box. Also, you can selectone of the needed signs from the set of tools and add it to thepage. ✓ Certify the document with your digital initials. To createa signature, click on the needed field and draw it with your fingerin the signature creator. Once you apply the changes, the signaturewill appear in the field automatically. ✓ Move between cells. Thesample has arrows for navigation or you can click the needed areamanually. ✓ The navigation between pages is possible thanks to thePages option or by scrolling down or up. ✓ Add the date to thedocument automatically or manually. ✓ Send the completed documentby printing it out and mailing it or by emailing it to anyindividual from your contact list right from the application. Usethe Tools to apply any desired changes. Any changes made in theeditor with the toolkit will appear in the upper part of thescreen. The application has the highest security level and uses thelatest data encryption methods. Any information the sample containsis absolutely protected. The 1099 PATR is always edited in a safeenvironment.
PDF Form 1099 INT for IRS: Sig 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
Make your tax season a breeze with the new form 1099-INTapplication
PDF Form 1095 A for IRS: Sign 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
Fill out and submit 1095-A form with your Android device
W-2C PDF Form for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
PDFfiller has just released a tax filing app called IRS Form W-2C.It’s a web-based solution developed so you can complete, sign ande-file this tax form on-the-go by downloading it to your smartphoneor tablet. It contains this specific PDF document with fillablefields. After opening the app, you may choose the most recentversion of the income tax return from the dropdown list. Then clickFill Now and start immediately working on your blank W-2C. Theinterface is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly. Butif you’re confused where to start from, we’ll help guide youthrough the process. Tap on any field and then the right or leftarrow on the upper panel - they will highlight in green the fieldsyou need to fill out in their sequential order. If you’re stillunsure how it works, click Help on the bottom of the screen. Therewill be a detailed guide explaining all of the features of theapplication. This mobile tax management app works just as well as afull-fledged web-editor on a desktop computer. You can preview thepages and edit the document using the following tools: ✓ Add texton any part of the pages. Just tap whenever you’re ready and starttyping. The text settings allow you to change the font and size.You also have the option to make the text bold, italic orunderlined. The colors you can select are black, blue, red andwhite. If you didn’t like the result, you can tap the trash binicon to delete it. ✓ Write or draw anything in your document usingthe Write feature. There is an option to resize the thickness ofyour tool and palette with a wide spectrum of colors. The drawingcan be dragged to another place or deleted altogether. ✓ Cross,check or circle relevant information using the corresponding icons.✓ Erase unnecessary text, blackout information you don’t want toreveal and highlight important sections. ✓ Attach a photo bydownloading it from your device or taking a picture with yourcamera. ✓ Add a date to the document. ✓ Leave comments with thehelp of sticky notes. ✓ Draw arrows, lines and add text boxes tothe fillable W-2C. Easily complete your Form W-2C with interactivefields and sign it with a legally-binding signature in a matter ofseconds. This Corrected Wage and Tax Statement consists of twopages and is divided into two parts: the data that you indicated inForm 2-WC that is marked as Previously reported in the left column;and the updated data marked as Correct information in the rightcolumn. In principle, information your providing is the same aswhat you provided in your W-2. You have to provide a full report onthe wages and compensations paid to your employees and taxeswithheld from them. And in this PDF form W-2C, you have theopportunity to correct the data that’s incorrect and e-file it tothe Internal Revenue Service.
PDF Form 1023 for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
According to U.S. federal law, there are 29 types of nonprofitorganizations Tax section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the U.S. Codeclaims an exemption for corporations, trusts or unincorporatedassociations established for nonprofit purposes. IRS Form 1023 isthe Application for Recognition of Exemption. You may be eligibleto e-file this form if your organization is qualified as religious,scientific, educational, charitable, etc. If you need to find outwhether your firm has a right to apply for an exemption, it’s moreadvisable for you to complete IRS Form 1023-EZ (The EligibilityWorksheet) first. After approval, the IRS provides a letter with awritten assurance of the organization’s tax-exempt status. Thisqualifies the entity to receive tax-deductible charitablecontributions. Every entity, that is qualified for exemption may bealso classified as a “public charity” or as a “private foundation”.Such organizations are not allowed to perform any activities for oragainst political candidates. To avoid routine and time-consumingpaperwork, use a free online tax management app available for yourAndroid device. No registration is required. File your returnquickly and safely by using the following features: ✓ Type anywhereon the document; ✓ Use powerful tools to add checkmarks, lines orarrows; ✓ Date the document automatically; ✓ Sign the form in asingle click; ✓ File the document or print it out in less than aminute. To complete your 1023 form in PDF you must insert therequired information into the fillable fields: ✓ Organization data:date of creation, structure, country; ✓ Description of allactivities; ✓ Employees and compensation; ✓ Members and individualsreceiving benefits; ✓ Financial information; ✓ Related documents(articles, associations, agreements). Note, that churches,including temples, synagogues and mosques are considered tax-exemptunder section 501(c)(3) even if they don’t file a printable 1023form. In addition, any foundation with gross receipts of no morethan $5,000 per year do not need to submit this file.
PDF Form 4868 for IRS: Income 1.9.3
airSlate, Inc.
Complete tax extension form 4868 on any Android device
PDF Form 433 A for IRS: Sign Income Tax eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
IRS Form 433-A is an application for preparing taxes. To give itsusers an opportunity to file their income tax returns straight awayfrom their smartphones or tablets, PDFfiller launched a mobile appspecifically designed for filling out the most widely-used taxdocuments. Now, if you ever need to electronically file a specificform, all you have to do is download the respective program devotedto that particular document. The directions for using the taxfiling app are simple: ✓ Open the Form 433-A application downloadedon your mobile device. ✓ Select the version of the document thatworks best for you. ✓ Complete the blank. ✓ Submit the completedtax return to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS Form 433-A hasto be filed by anyone who owes taxes to the government. The aim ofthe blank is to provide a list of all the taxpayer’s property,assets, information on employment and accounts. After such a reportis submitted to the IRS, they will then determine if the taxpayeris able to cover their debts. As a side note, although the documentcomprises of six pages and seven sections - you may not necessarilyneed to fill out each section. The first five sections concern thefollowing: ✓ Standard personal information of the taxpayer andhis/her spouse (if married). ✓ Information about the place ofemployment and the basis on which the wages are paid (for both thetaxpayer and the spouse). ✓ Other data on the finances of thetaxpayer - such as bankruptcy, living abroad, information oninsurance or trusts, etc. ✓ A section devoted to assets: bankaccounts, investments, credits, life insurance, property, personalassets, etc. ✓ Report on monthly income and expenses. The followingtwo sections have to be completed by self-employed taxpayers. Theyinclude information on business and sole proprietorship. All datahas to be entered into the fillable fields in the electronic form.Once you enter the app, you will see a blue arrow showing you whereto start and it will guide you throughout the whole document. Somefields are checkboxes where you should put a tick; there are alsodate fields that will prompt you to set a date after clicking onthem. Page 4 contains a line where the taxpayer and taxpayer’sspouse have to put their signatures. To sign the form, tap on therespective field and draw the signature with a finger or stylus.After that, it can be saved and submitted. When the document isfilled out and signed, click Done and share it via email or printit out.
PDF Form 1098 T for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Take advantage of the IRS Form 1098-T mobile application tocomplete and file your Tuition Statement. This app was designed andlaunched by PDFfiller to provide users with the option to workon-the-go and organize their document workflow in the mostconvenient way possible. Form 1098-T has to be filed by educationalinstitutions to report payments for qualified tuition. If youupload and open the application, you'll see that it's a smallprogram containing several versions of Form 1098-T in PDF format -all of which you can fill out online. By default, the latestversion will open, but you can always choose from the dropdown listany previous ones if necessary. The blank consists of six pagesthat you can overview by tapping on the Pages icon on the lowerpanel. Three pages of six are three different examples: Copy A isfor the Internal Revenue Service Center; Copy B is for the student;and Copy C is for the filer. The other three pages are the 1098-Tinstructions. To complete the digital form using our tax managementapp, you’ll have to follow a series of steps: ✓ Start completingthe relevant copy. If you’re a student, you have to fill out CopyC; if you’re a representative of the educational institution orsome organization that provides tuition services, you have tocomplete Copy B. In order to avoid any penalties, you shoulddouble-check with the IRS on how to file Copy A correctly. ✓ Followthe prompts that will guide you throughout the process of fillingout the document. They indicate the sequence of fields that have tobe completed. The prompts will look like a big blue arrow andfields are highlighted with white and framed with green. A redasterisk in the top right corner means that this field isobligatory to complete. ✓ There are different types of fillablefields: such as for text, for dates, or for checkboxes (when youhave a set of options to choose from). The app will automaticallyguide you and provide you with the necessary tools. ✓ You can alsoredact the blank yourself by adding objects such as text, lines,text boxes and pictures. The objects added by you can be adjusted:change their size, style or delete them if you like. ✓ Uponcompletion of your Form 1098 T, you can print it out or send it byemail. The app gives you the option of not having to enter in theaddress manually - you can just take it from your contacts. You canalso CC this blank to another user. Complete tax eforms from yoursmartphone or tablet and distribute them immediately without anypaper-based hassle.
Form 1120 S for IRS: Sign Inco 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
Complete form 1120S on any Android device
PDF Form 1099 S for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
A 1099-S form filler is one of the best tax preparation apps thatprovides every user with the opportunity to file this informationalreturn to the IRS from any smartphone or tablet. It’s veryconvenient to be able to file this form anytime and anywhere youneed - especially without having to use paper copies. Theapplication establishes secure connection and data encryptionmethods, making all personal information included in the formabsolutely safe. Our application is made to accelerate the processof form completing and save you time so that you can focus on moreimportant business. The multi-functional toolkit contains thefollowing features: ✓ The opportunity to add any textual or numericinformation required in the eForm. ✓ The features make it possibleto add checkmarks, cross signs, images, and graphic lines. ✓ Easynavigation between the blank 1099S fields. ✓ Including the currentdate both automatically and manually. ✓ Certification of thedocument with a legally binding signature. Just draw it with yourfinger and it will fit the signature field automatically. ✓ ToE-File forms to any individual or organization right from the app.✓ Use any tool you like and file the printable 1099 S formdigitally and edit it any way you like, without having to completethe whole form. The PDF form 1099S is obligatory to be filed bythose who have sold a house, rental property, land etc. However notevery sale is reported. This is meant only for those that arehigher than $250 000 in individual property or $500 000 in thejoint return. The minimal amount for which the form can be issuedis $600. The form is completed by the individual who is closing thefinancial transaction, such as transferee, a broker or a mortgagelender. The sample should be first filed to the other party of theagreement and then to the Internal Revenue Service. The deadlinefor filing the document to the recipient is the January 1st for theIRS — the end of February. Keep in mind that it’s always a goodidea to provide all documents beforehand - in order to avoidproblems and penalties from the IRS.
PDF Form 8962 for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Are you tired of the expensive Health Insurance Payments? Using oursolution, equipped with a multifunctional toolkit, you'll have theopportunity to apply for getting a Premium Tax Credit right fromyour smartphone. The tax filing app has numerous user-friendlyfunctions which simplify and accelerate the whole process. Use anyof the listed features you like to complete the blank 8962: ✓ Usethe text insert option for adding editable text anywhere on thedocument; ✓ Use the navigation feature to move faster between thefillable fields of your PDF form 8962; ✓ Automatically add thecurrent date to the template; ✓ Add to the sample custom graphicslike lines, images, checkmarks, etc; ✓ E-file the template from theapplication to any individual or organization; ✓ Certify yourtemplate with a legally binding e-signature. By using this program,the application for getting your Premium Tax Credit can becompleted in a matter of minutes. You get the opportunity to filltax documents anytime and anywhere - eliminating the need to printforms or scan documents. Just install the application to yoursmartphone or tablet and open it by selecting the template variantyou want to file. Follow the 8962 instructions to complete thesample digitally: ✓ First of all, insert your full name and SSN. Todo so, click on the upper fillable field and type in the requireddata. ✓ Provide information about your family income and adddetails such as family size, modified AGI, etc. To select one ofthe multiple choice variants, click on the applicable box and acheckmark will appear. To uncheck the selected variant click on itone more time. ✓ You also need to include annual or month to monthcalculations in details. If you're married, then the calculationfor that year will be taken into consideration according to yourcircumstances. ✓ Remember, that there is no need to fill out everyfield. The 8962 form contains numerous items to cover requirementsfor many particular cases. To complete another document, just clickon the “find more forms” option and you will get the opportunity tofill out any sample you need.
PDF Form 1040 Schedule C: Sign Income Tax eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
Most taxpayers know the 1040 Schedule C form as the “Profit andLoss” form And now both sole proprietor and single-member LLCs canfile this form right from an Android smartphone. The tax filingapplication includes a wide variety of options, designed to helpevery user complete the 1040 Schedule C tax form faster than everbefore. All you have to do is install the app and select thevariant of the template you wish to fill out. Afterward, thedocument will open and the whole toolkit will be accessible to you.The application includes several unique features: ✓ The option toadd any textual or numeric information with the text tool. Click onthe highlighted area and insert the needed information. Once youcomplete one cell, click on the next box you want to fill out andrepeat the process. ✓ Selecting the desired answer variant viaadding a checkmark. ✓ Providing the current date either by typingit in or by using the default date-selection option. ✓ Choosing thesize of text and graphics - as well as font, styles, and colors ✓Navigation between document parts with the “Pages” option. ✓Signing the document by drawing your signature on the touchscreen.Once you’ve made your signature, the app fits it in thecorresponding field automatically. ✓ The opportunity to add graphiclines anywhere in the document. Here are some additionalrecommendations for filling out the form: ✓ Generally, theindividual will have to provide his/her personal information anddescribe any business or professional activity. ✓ Those who’ve gotmultiple business needs should fill out the separate schedule C.It’s important to provide the information about every businessseparately. To complete the 1040 Schedule C form in detail, thetaxpayer has to prepare all the needed supporting documentsbeforehand. This will help you keep all your data close at handwill save you time. ✓ Those who own LLC’s individually shouldprovide not the EIN, issued to the owner, but the EIN, belonging tothe LLC. ✓ The IRS allows using any income method including cash,accrual or any other way of getting capital. It’s important toinform the IRS about the method you’ll be using. If you're going tochange it, then file an additional 3115 form. ✓ It's also importantto cover your business expenses in a detailed way to compare yourincome, expenses and to understand what the after-tax earnings are.
PDF Form 990 EZ for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
IRS form 990 EZ is used by tax-exempt charities for reporting thefinancial information to the IRS Tax-exempt organizations should bewell aware of the importance of this form — since it's what allowssuch organizations to maintain their tax-exempt status. And nowevery user gets the opportunity of filling out the form right fromthe comfort of their mobile phones. The tax management applicationcontains the fillable blank itself, and all the needed tools tofile it in the fastest and most secure way as possible. Thesolution is equipped with a wide variety of useful options: ✓Adding of the textual data anywhere within the document. To dothat, click on the needed cell and type in the requiredinformation. It’s possible to use not only black color but othervariants available in the solution. ✓ Providing the current dateboth manually and automatically. This can easily be done by justclicking at the needed box and the current date will appear. If youneed to correct it, tap on the box and change to the date you need.✓ Inserting check marks, images, cross signs or graphic lines. ✓Signing the 990 EZ form by drawing a signature on the screen ofyour smartphone. Just draw a signature and save the changes. Onceyou do that, the initials will appear in the cell by default. ✓Sending the sample right from the program to any e-mail address. ✓The possibility of making corrections in the form without having tocomplete the sample again. On top of that, the solution has thehighest data protection level and data encryption methods. Thus,everyone can insert his or her personal information without beingconcerned for the security of their data. Since the form is aninformational return, IRS can disclose it in public. That’s why youshould be sure not to add your social security number. If you donot know whether your organization is considered tax-exempt or not,visit the official IRS website and read the detailed instructionsand information on the 990 EZ form. Complete the form for the taxyear or the fiscal year for your organization. Actually, the IRSisn't the only entity that may request this form. Local and stateinstitutions may also make a request to review the informationcontained in the document. If this form is not filled out properlyor not filed by the pre-set date, the organization will beobligated to pay penalties to the IRS.
PDF Form 1098 C for IRS: Income Tax Return eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
The new IRS Form 1098-C app, developed by PDFfiller, is a taxfiling program designed specifically for those who are tired ofphysical paperwork. After downloading and installing the app onyour mobile device, you'll be able to complete the digital fillableform, send it to the appropriate destination, or print it out ifnecessary. A Form 1098-C has to be filed when a person donates avehicle which has a value that exceeds $500. The purpose of thedocument is to provide information about both the donor and thevehicle. It contains four copies: Copy A, Copy B, Copy C and Copy D- which are intended for the Internal Revenue Service Center,Donor, Donor’s record and Donee respectively. Before completion,carefully check the Form 1098-C instructions to verify if you’reeligible to file one or more copies. This is how the blank 1098-Cis completed: ✓ When the application is downloaded, open it, selectthe needed version of the form and proceed with filling it out byhitting the orange button. ✓ Carefully read the instructions on howto complete the form correctly. Also, refer to the tips in the Helpsection at the bottom of the screen. ✓ The applicationautomatically starts to guide you through the file beginning fromthe very first field. You have the option to either perform acertain action in a field or to skip it. ✓ The action you canperform in a field depends on its type. If it's a text field, thekeyboard will appear; if it’s a date, a window where you can setthe date will appear; if it’s a checkbox, you’ll see the Checkbutton. ✓ You can find an index of all available fields in theWizard tool - which looks like a sheet with a checklist on the toppanel. ✓ On the same panel, you can find the Left and Right arrowswhich help you pass from one field to another. ✓ In the text, therewill be a big blue arrow indicating an active field. ✓ The editingpanel contains the following options: a. Type or write text; b. Puta cross, check or circle; c. Add a signature (it’s not required inthe case of Form 1098 C); d. Add the date and a photo; e. Erase,highlight or blackout text; f. Add a textbox, arrow, or line; g.Draw; h. Leave a comment using a sticky note; ✓Once the form iscompleted, click Done and select the next step. You can eitherprint it out, start to compete it once again, work on it inPDFfiller’s editor, or send it by email. ✓ If you send it by email,you can select contacts right from your address book. Synchronizeit with the app, and start typing the name. The necessary contactwill be quickly filtered. ✓ If you choose to print the blank out,set printing parameters in the pop-up window.
PDF Invoices for Business by PDFfiller 1.0.8
airSlate, Inc.
Looking for the Billing & Invoicing templates tool? PDFInvoiceMaker by PDFfiller - create professional-looking documentson thego. Perfect for small business owners, contractors andfreelancers.★ Create an invoice bill while on the go so you can getpaidfaster. ★ Customize bills with your logo, add a signature,images,notes and more. ★ Save items for faster billing &invoicingtemplates later ★ Enter all the details you need,including tax,discounts, and more. Send your first free documenttoday with PDFInvoices for Business - #1 app in category "Billing&Invoicing". PDF Invoice Maker for Business Features ★ Signandcreate a bill or estimate ★ Edit your templates in thepowerfuleditor ★ Email or share your bills or estimates ★ Discounton itemor total ★ Tax on item or total, inclusive or exclusive ★Customizeyour company logo on your forms ★ Attach images to yourPDF invoiceMaker ★ Bill clients from your contact list ★ And more…6 Reasonsto Love Us 1. Make your PDF invoices look as professionalas yourbusiness. Modern, clean and customizable. 2. Getinvoicingtemplates right away. Hands-down the easiest invoice appavailable.3. Reduce time and stress. Make billing & invoicingtemplatesyour customers the simplest thing you do all day. 4. MakePDFinvoices and estimates from anywhere. Email, text or print yourPDFinvoices as soon as you finish a job. 5. Make it easy to getpaid.Accept debit or credit cards as well as checks and cash.6.Document with confidence. Our app is used by hundreds ofthousandsof small business owners like you and is consistentlyrated the topcategory app. Forget about complicated spreadsheets.Help yourcustomers pay you faster! Terms ofUse: PrivacyPolicy: Yourfeedbackis important to us, so please email
PPT to PDF Converter app 2.0.4
airSlate, Inc.
Convert PPT files to PDF online for free This free app that allowsyou to convert any PPT file to a PDF document online from yourmobile device. With the PPT to PDF Converter app you can: ✓ Changethe format of a PPT document to PDF for free even while on the go ✓Easily convert files in the cloud without using your mobiledevice’s storage ✓ Use the app on any operating system from anyinternet connected mobile device How it works: ✓ Choose the fileyou want to convert from your mobile device or cloud storage. ✓Select the pages in your PPT file and click Convert Now! ✓ Restassured your documents are kept safe by AltoPPTtoPDF’s encryptedfile transfer. ✓ Convert a PPT file on any smartphone or tabletregardless of what operating system you’re using. ✓ Change thenewly converted PDF according to your needs with the help of thePDFfiller editor: edit, annotate, email, print out or fax a PDF
PDF Form 1099 R for IRS: Sign Tax Digital eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
The 1099 R form creator is one of the best tax filing apps you canuse to report the distributions from any pension, retirement orprofit-sharing plan, annuities, or insurance contract. The minimalsum of payment to report is ten dollars. Actually, it’s the amountof gross distribution and its taxation plan. The vast majority ofthe public and private pension plans that aren’t amongst CivilService Plans are reported with the 1099 R form PDF. The companycan pay pensions, annuity distributions or some other retirementbenefits to retired or disabled individuals and — in some cases —the beneficiaries of deceased employees. Not all payments aretaxed, but they’re still reported to the IRS. The form filing appwill help you easily complete this document thanks to itsuser-friendly interface. First of all, it’s necessary to installthe application and select the type of sample you want to complete.The software has numerous useful features: ✓ Document editing. Thesolution makes the form 1099 R fillable. That’s why it’s possibleto insert all required information to the sample just by clickingon the needed area. ✓ Creating an individual signature and addingit to the corresponding area automatically. To do that, click onthe signature field and draw your initials with your finger. Thenapply the changes and your sample will be signed. ✓ Adding textualor numeric data with the Text Tool. Select the option in the uppertools panel and place the input field in the area you want to addtext to. ✓ Add circles, graphics, checkmarks and cross signs. Allthese can be added through the toolkit. ✓ Easily navigate betweenfields with the help of the corresponding arrows or by tapping onthe needed area with your finger. ✓ Send the template by email toany person or organization right from the application. In addition,1099 R is completed in a secure environment and uses the latestdata encryption methods. That’s why all the information the sampleincludes is always fully protected.
Convert JPG to PDF with Image to PDF Converter 2.0.3
airSlate, Inc.
Convert a JPG image to PDF for free using a mobile device Theappenables you to easily convert JPG images to PDF documentswhileon-the-go for free. AltoJPGtoPDF allows you to: ✓Convert aPDFdocument from your smartphone, tablet, Dropbox or Google Driveto aJPG image with a single swipe of your cursor ✓Save a JPG imagetoyour mobile device ✓Edit, fill, share and sign your originalPDFdocument via the PDFfiller editor How it works: ✓Upload theJPGimage you want to convert from your mobile device, DropboxorGoogle Drive cloud storage. ✓Click the Convert Now! button✓Yournewly created file is protected by industry-leading encryptionfromthe moment it is uploaded. ✓Easily download the PDF documenttoyour smartphone or tablet.
Alto Word to PDF converter 2.0.4
airSlate, Inc.
Convert a Word document to PDF format for free on your mobiledeviceWith this application you can easily convert Word documentsto PDFformat for free Using AltoWordtoPDF you can: ✓TransformWorddocuments stored on your mobile device, Google Drive or DropboxtoPDF format with ease ✓Download a new PDF document toyourinternet-connected mobile device ✓Edit, sign, fill or shareyourPDF via the PDFfiller editor How it works: ✓Upload theWorddocument you need transformed from your mobile device, GoogleDriveor Dropbox. ✓Mark the pages of a Word document that youneedconverted to PDF format and tap Convert Now! ✓Every fileconvertedusing AltoWordtoPDF is protected by industry-leadingencryption.✓All Word files that you convert to PDF are saved as aZIP archive.✓Easily download your Zip-archived Word document toyour tablet orsmartphone. ✓Edit your Word document in the PDFfillereditor. Typetext, leave comments, eSign or share it in seconds.
Form 1065 for IRS: Sign Income Tax Return eForm 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
Form 1065 is a fillable tax return form for partnerships, LLCs andjoint ventures A tax report for partnership income differs fromother businesses. The whole process is divided into two parts.First declare your business income, then report and pay taxes onyour share of that income. Form 1065 includes such items asprofits, losses, and deductions. In addition, each partner has toindividually file a Schedule K-1 in order to determine thepercentage share of profit and loss. Note, that a partnership neverpays taxes itself. Exempt organizations, such as charitable orreligious ones, don’t pay taxes but still have to complete thisdocument. Save your time and money, by filling out a digital formwith your Android device. PDFfiller makes it easy to e-file taxreturns even while on the go. You don’t have to install anyadditional software and you get to pass all the steps oftime-consuming registration. Just open the fillable form and enterthe required information into the fillable fields: ✓ Profit andloss statement: calculate income and expenses; ✓ Balance sheetreport: assets, liabilities, owner’s equity; ✓ Business code number(should be provided by the IRS); ✓ Principal business activity:industry of your business; ✓ Principal product and service:indicate what you sell; ✓ Accounting method: cash or accrual; ✓Number of partners; ✓ Employer identification number; ✓ Start dateof the business; ✓ 1099 reporting requirements, in case you hiredan independent contractor; ✓ Distributions of profits made topartners. Edit the completed document to fit your needs. You areprovided with a number of user-friendly tools to make any possiblechanges. Here are the key features: ✓ Type text wherever you wanton the template; ✓ Use the arrows at the top of the screen toeasily navigate between the fillable fields; ✓ Date the document ina single click; ✓ Add check marks, images, lines, and other visualcontent; ✓ Add your digital signature by drawing it with yourfinger or stylus; ✓ Once the document is finished file it online; ✓Print the document from your Android device. Install the taxmanagement application free of charge.
Alto Merge PDF: Combine files into a single PDF 1.13
airSlate, Inc.
Merge multiple PDF files into one with this online app Dealingwithlarge amounts of documentation requires attention to detailandmanagement efficiency. It doesn’t matter what kinds ofdifferentforms you’re dealing with, whether they be contracts,certificates,invoices etc. — operating these documents is easier ifyou have theappropriate tools at hand. Having the right digitaltools is a-mustsince various issues may arise at any stage of thedocumentlifecycle. For example, when you scan paper documents,theinformation on a file might be incorrectly distributed onseparatepages or the scanning may get accidentally interrupted. Butthesetechnical hiccups don’t need to be a problem anymore. By usingAltoMerge PDF, you can combine as many different files as you likeintoone complete document. This application allows you to performwhatwould otherwise be a complex operation - with one singleclick.Alto Merge PDF is a web-based converter, which means you canuploadfiles from the comfort of your mobile device or cloudstorage, suchas Google Drive or Dropbox. Furthermore, thisapplication doesn’trequire any registration - so you don’t have towaste your nerveson any time-consuming procedures. You also don’tneed to make anypayments, because this PDF combiner is absolutelyfree - no need tobuy any additional software. Upload as many filesas you want. Useyour touchscreen to rearrange the documents youwish to merge andplace them in the desired order. You can be sureyour informationis safe and protected due to our high-securitystandards. All yourfiles are fully deleted from the server, onceyou’ve finishedworking on the platform. This PDF merger iscompatible with any OS.In addition, you’ll be able to free up spaceon your device sinceeach of your documents is processed in thecloud. All you need isan internet connection, and you’re good togo. How to merge PDFdocuments in seconds Alto Merge PDF isstraightforward and providesyou with an intuitive interface. We’veprovided you with astep-by-step guide for getting the best resultswith minimal efforton your part. Please take the following steps:✓Open the app andclick the orange Choose File button. ✓Select thedocuments fromyour device or upload them from your preferred cloudstorage. ✓Waita few seconds for your PDFs to upload, then clickMerge PDFs Now!✓Click Start Over again in case you want to combineadditionalfiles into a single PDF. ✓If you want to continue withediting,click Work on your PDF. With this online platform, you’reprovidedwith the ability to fill, sign and edit your documentsaftermerging. Add checkmarks, text boxes, dates and visual contenttoyour documents.
Alto Rotate PDF: rotate single PDF pages or files 1.13
airSlate, Inc.
Rotate a PDF document with your mobile device Those who workwithdocuments on a daily basis know, that sometimes there is a needtorotate PDF files. When you scan documents, it's easy to run intoamess of problems - sometimes the digital version looksdifferentfrom the original, some pages may be listed in a wrongorientation,etc. In some cases, if you want to add an image to adocument andyou take a photo with your camera, the photo might endup beingsaved in an inconveniently horizontal or vertical position.Butproblems like that can easily be solved with a specialrotatingapplication. And if you don’t want to waste your timeonspace-consuming apps, then Alto Rotate PDF is the choice foryou.This is an online PDF rotator that's absolutely free anddoesn’trequire any registration. Feel free to operate on any typeofdocument. Rotate scanned forms, invoices, applications,contracts,agreements, and certificates with Alto Rotate PDF. Thisapp doesn'trequire any fees. Install it on your device and performas manyrotations as you'd like without paying a cent. Yourinformation isabsolutely safe because all files you upload areprotected with anencrypted connection. As soon as you close theapp, all informationis deleted from the server. It doesn’t matterwhat system you use -the application will seamlessly process yourPDF. And what's more,it works on any internet-connected device. Howto get started AltoRotate PDF makes the rotating process a breeze.Here’s a briefinstructional guide on how to rotate PDF pages withthisapplication. ✓You can upload a PDF document right from yourmobiledevice. ✓Select the one you want to rotate from yourmobiledevice’s storage or from Google Drive or DropBox. It takeslessthan a minute. ✓Then you will see a preview window. Here,choosethe pages you want to rotate. You can change the orientationof anysingle PDF page separately or rotate the entire document atonce.✓After that, click the arrow icon as many times as you wantuntilthe page is in the right position. ✓When you finish, push theDonebutton to save all the changes you've made. ✓Download thefinalversion to your smartphone or tablet or save it to yourcloudstorage. Don’t limit your opportunities. If you want to makeanyfurther changes to your document, you may continue with editingforas long as you need. Click Work on your PDF to fill, redact,andsign your document with our wide range of powerful tools.
Alto PDF to Excel Converter: convert to XLS, XLSX 2.0.4
airSlate, Inc.
Convert a PDF to an Excel spreadsheet for free right on your mobiledevice PDF to Excel converter app allows you to convert PDFdocuments to Excel spreadsheets while on the go. Using this app,you can: ✓Instantly convert a PDF document from your mobile device,Google Drive or Dropbox to an Excel spreadsheet ✓Save thespreadsheet you’ve just transformed to your mobile device✓Complete, sign, share or edit your original PDF using thePDFfiller editor How it works: ✓Upload a PDF document from GoogleDrive, Dropbox or your device’s storage. ✓Pick the pages of a PDFthat you need to convert to an Excel spreadsheet. Click ConvertNow! ✓Industry-leading encryption ensures that all documents youconvert with the app are highly-protected. ✓Download your newlyconverted Excel spreadsheet to your mobile device. ✓With PDFfiller,you can easily sign, fill, edit and share the original PDF documentwith others.
Alto split PDF 1.12
airSlate, Inc.
Split a PDF document for free from your mobile device Thisserviceallows you to instantly split a PDF document for free.AltoSplitPDFenables you to: ✓Easily split any PDF document usingyour mobiledevice ✓Download your split document and save it to yoursmartphoneor tablet ✓Fill, edit, annotate, sign and share a newdocumentusing the PDFfiller editor How it works: ✓Upload a PDF youneed tosplit from your mobile device ✓Click the Split Now! button✓ClickWork on your PDF to edit, fill, sign and share a splitPDF✓Download your split PDF to your smartphone or tablet andclickStart over again to split more PDFs
PDF to Word docs Converter 2.0.5
airSlate, Inc.
Convert a PDF to Word format for free in a single click PDF to WORDdocs Converter lets you quickly convert a PDF document to Wordformat online for free right on your mobile device. How it works ✓Convert a PDF to Word in a click. Upload a PDF from your mobiledevice's storage, Google Drive or Dropbox, tap the Convert Nowbutton and you're done. ✓ Our app doesn't require any fees. Installit on your Android device and convert PDF documents to Word formatwithout paying a cent. ✓ From the moment your document is uploaded,to when the conversion begins and ends, your document is keptabsolutely secure with industry-leading encryption. ✓ After theconversion, download your Word document and edit, e-Sign, transformand share your original PDF using the PDFfiller editor.
W-3 PDF Form for IRS: Sign Income Tax eForm 1.8.4
airSlate, Inc.
IRS Form W-3 is an application designed specifically for fillingoutincome tax form W-3. It is a tax preparation app that includesthisdocument which the taxpayer completes and sends out. Here’show itworks: ✓ Download the application on your mobile device. ✓When youopen it, it will take you immediately to the form. ✓Complete thefillable fields. ✓ Add your signature. ✓ Send thereport to theInternal Revenue Service. When you open this taxmanagement app,you’ll see the preview of the page and a dropdownlist offeringseveral versions of the W-3 form in PDF. Select theneeded one andgo directly to the document. It already has embeddedfillable fieldsand provides you with clues represented by arrowsthat guide you andindicate which line you should complete. Therewill be some fieldsthat are obligatory for completion. Make surethat you’ve filledthem out; otherwise, IRS will not accept yourdocument. For yourconvenience, the app has a wizard toolcontaining the list of all ofthe steps that need to be completed,as well as what kind ofspecific action each step requires. FormW-3, in particular,requires you to Enter text and Choose anoption. Tap on the firstfield with a finger or stylus. Then thekeyboard will appear. Thisis how you can start inserting data. Thedigital form requires thefollowing information: ✓ Kind of payer; ✓Kind of employer; ✓Employer’s details; ✓ Information on wages andcompensations paid; ✓Information on taxes withheld; ✓ Informationon tips reported byemployees; ✓ Nonqualified plans; ✓ Third-partysick pay. Upon thecompletion of the form, you will then need toput your signature.Only then can it be sent to the IRS. Adding asignature is just aseasy as completing the previous actions.Without leaving the app,click on the icon with a pen. You will seea Sign inscription andhave to choose a place in the document wherethe signature will beput. A white background will appear. This iswhere you should createyour autograph with your finger or stylus.There are four colors youcan use: blue, red, white or black. Ifyou don't like the signature,you can tap on the brush icon andwipe it away. When the signatureis ready, accept it by selectingSave and Use. Now the PDF form W-3is an official documentcertified by your legally-binding signature,and you can e-file itstraight to the Internal Revenue Service viaemail. There are twomore options upon completion: print it out (ifit’s necessary) as aphysical copy or (if something went wrong)start over and re-enteryour data.
airScan: Documents Scanner app 1.1.6
airSlate, Inc.
Scan docs with your phone camera, then sign, edit, and convertphotos to PDFs
airSlate: Business Automation 2.0.2
airSlate, Inc.
From document management to eSignature — automate your workflows onthe go.
pdfFiller Edit, fill, sign PDF 10.18.21647
airSlate, Inc.
Open and edit PDFs, scan and fill out forms, sign, send documentsand invoices
Form I-9: Sign Digital eForm 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
Go mobile! Submit an I-9 form from your Android device!
PDF to PowerPoint converter 2.0.4
airSlate, Inc.
Convert a PDF document to a PPT file in a single tap on any mobiledevice With PDF to PowerPoint converter you can easily convert anyPDF to a PPTX file for free Use the PDF to PowerPoint convert appfor pdfFiller to easily manage your documents: ✓ Convert a PDF to aPPT in a single click ✓ Download the converted file to your mobiledevice ✓ Go further and edit, annotate, email or print a PDF rightfrom your smartphone or tablet How the app works: ✓ Upload the PDFyou want to convert from your mobile device or cloud storage ✓Select the pages in your PDF you’d like to convert to PPT. Multiplepages will be converted to a ZIP archive ✓ Click Convert Now! totransform your PDF to PPT ✓ If you’d like to convert moredocuments, click Start Over ✓ Download your PPT file or ZIP archiveto your mobile device or cloud storage ✓ Continue working on youroriginal PDF file in the PDFfiller editor: edit, annotate, email,print or fax it Your feedback is important to us, so please If you have questions, visit our FAQ page
Form 1040X for IRS: Sign Personal Income Tax eForm 1.8.5
airSlate, Inc.
Now anyone can have the opportunity to fix any tax returnmistakesright from their smartphone by filling out the fillable1040Xsample with our unique app. This tax management applicationopensthe sample’s editing and sending features. It's also freeofcharge. The software contains a powerful toolkit for incometaxmanagement and is user-friendly. All you have to do is installtheapplication and choose one of the form variants available intheprogram. It won't take a lot of time to fill out the 1040Xtemplateif you become more familiar with the features the app has.With the1040X PDF form filler you can: ✓ Type in any text,completing allthe required and additional fields. ✓ Answer thequestions thesample contains by adding checkmarks, cross signs orgraphics linesor even add images. ✓ Add the date to the documentautomatically ormanually. ✓ Add text to the template, making thefont bold orchanging its color. ✓ Navigate between the parts of thedocumentusing the “Pages” option. ✓ Sign the template with yourlegallybinding initials by drawing them in the app. ✓ E-file formsto anyindividual receiver or organization just by adding his or heremailfrom your contacts list. If you make a small mistake on yourform,the IRS will notify you about it. But if you forgot to includeabig earnings sum on your report or claimed for thewrongdeductions, then you have to file the sample again. If youarelacking money or time, then make a request for an extension.Thatwill give you the opportunity to report your taxes up to April15.Use the following recommendations to notify IRS about anymistakein the income taxes report: ✓ Select the 1040X form variantyouprefer and click on the “Fill Now” option. ✓ Type in theneededtext. Include your corrections. ✓ To add a circle, checkmarkorcross sign, use your finger to tap on the answer area. ✓ Touncheckan item, click on the answer area one more time and the markwillbe removed automatically. ✓ When you complete all changes,savethem and share the document by email or print it out and sendthecopy by regular mail.
Convert PNG to PDF with Image to PDF Converter 2.0.4
airSlate, Inc.
Convert a PNG image to PDF format for free using any mobiledeviceAltoPNGtoPDF is a service that allows you to transform PNGimagesto PDF format for free With this mobile application you can:✓Instantly convert PNG images to PDFs using your smartphoneortablet ✓ Download the PDF you’ve just transformed and save ittoyour mobile device ✓ Annotate, sign and share a convertedPDFdocument via the PDFfiller editor How it works: ✓ Simply uploadthePNG image you want to convert from your device and clickConvertNow! ✓ Once the file has been converted, download it to yourmobiledevice or edit it in the PDFfiller editor ✓ To convert morePNGs,simply click Start over again and repeat the steps ✓ All filesyouupload are protected. The service deletes them all once theyhavebeen processed
Convert PDF to PNG with PDF to Image Converter 2.2.2
airSlate, Inc.
Convert your PDFs to PNG images for free on your tabletorsmartphone With the app, you can easily convert PDF documentstoPNG images while on the run. AltoPDFtoPNG allows its usersto:✓Convert a PDF from your mobile device, Google Drive or DropboxtoPNG in seconds for free ✓Instantly save the image to yourdevice✓Fill, sign and easily edit the original PDF document inthePDFfiller editor How it works: ✓Upload a PDF file you’d liketoconvert from Dropbox, Google Drive or mobile storage СlicktheConvert Now! button ✓All data kept in the document iskeptabsolutely secure with industry-leading encryption✓Instantlydownload a PNG image to your mobile device ✓Sign, fill,edit orshare your original PDF document via the PDFfiller editor
Convert PDF to JPG with PDF to Image Converter 2.2.2
airSlate, Inc.
Convert a PDF to JPG for free on any mobile device This freeappallows you to easily convert PDF documents to JPG images on thego.With AltoPDFtoJPG you can: ✓Convert a PDF from your mobiledevice,Google Drive or Dropbox to JPG in seconds for free ✓Save anewlyconverted JPG to your mobile device ✓Edit, annotate, eSignandshare your original PDF in the PDFfiller editor How itworks:✓Select a PDF you’d like to convert from your mobiledevice’sstorage or upload it from Google Drive or Dropbox. ✓Choosethepages of a PDF to be converted to JPG and click Convert Now!✓Keepyour documents absolutely secure with industry-leadingencryptionfrom the moment your document is uploaded. ✓Multiple PDFpages willbe converted to a ZIP archive. ✓Instantly download a JPGimage or aZIP archive of multiple images to your mobile device. ✓Ifyou’dlike to edit your original PDF document, easily open it inthePDFfiller editor to type text, annotate, eSign or share a PDF.